Explore my journey and discover the places and experiences I have lived and my full career as an athlete.
Different cities
Years as Elite Athlete
International Competitions
My Story
Graduated from Northwestern University with a BSc in Mechanical Engineering and a Masters Degree on Motorsports from QEV Technologies and UVic I currently work as a design engineer in the composite materials sector. Until now I have dedicated most of my life to elite sports competition, I have been part of the Spanish national swim team and won multiple medals internationally. It is fair to say that after over 10 years of dedicating my life to the sport it has left a mark on me. Thanks to swimming I have developed aptitudes such as discipline, constancy, effort, sacrifice, teamwork, and many other that have helped me define who I am as a person and that now I transfer into my workplace and my passion for engineering. After graduating from college in 2022 I moved to Barcelona to train at the Spanish National Training Center in Sant Cugat, Barcelona, to train with some of the highest level athletes in the country while completing my masters degree. In 2023 I decided to move onto club swimming in Madrid and I began my professional journey as an engineer with Managing Composites while still training for elite level swimming. After a big scare, I had to quit swimming and undergo brain surgery to remove a vascular malformation in my brain and now I am coming back to sports proegressively as I continue working as an engineer full-time.
My life fully relies on sport because I love it and it makes me feel great
Started swimming lessons
Began in competition swimming club
First local medals
2x Gold medalist at Andalusian Age Group Regional Championships
1x Gold medalist at Spanish Age Group National Championships
1x Silver medalist at Spanish Age Group National Championships
1x Bronze medalist at Spanish National Championships
1x Silver medalist at Spanish National Championships
5° place at European Junior Championships (200 back) Helsinki, Finland
1x Silver medalist at World Cup Doha, Qatar
BRONZE Medalist at Youth Olympic Games (200 back) Buenos Aires, Argentina
2x Gold medalist at Spanish National Championships
7° place at World University Games (200 Back) Naples, Italy
3x Silver medalist at Spanish National Championships
15° place at European Championships (200 back) Budapest, Hungary
2x Gold medalist at Spanish National Championships
2x Silver medalist at Spanish National Championships
1x Bronze medalist at Spanish National Championships
6° place at Mediterranean Games (50 back) Oran, Algeria
2x Gold medalist at Spanish National Championships
2x Silver medalist at Spanish National Championships
1x Silver medalist at Spanish Age Group National Championships
1x Silver medalist at Spanish Junior National Championships
3x Gold medalist at Spanish Junior National Championships
1x Silver medalist at Spanish Junior National Championships
GOLD Medal at COMEN Cup (200 back) La Valeta, Malta
1x Gold medalist at Spanish National Championships
1x Silver medalist at Spanish National Championships
5º place at European Junior Championships (200 back) Netanya, Israel
I could have never imagined when I started swimming as a 5 y/o kid that I would have gotten so many national championships, that I would have represented my nation internationally or that I would compete in the NCAA as a Division 1 Athlete. This is a quick summary of some of my achievements in swimming throughout my career.
My next goals?
If you thought I was done you're wrong
My next challenge when it comes to sports is to become an ironman, that means being able to complete a long distance triathlon race. The distances of the full iroman are 3.8 km swim, 180 km bike ride, 42.2 km run. In order to complete this challenge I have decided to be my own coach because I believe that after so many years in the elite sports world I have enough experience to do it myself.
I have prepared a hybrid workout plan that consists of running, cycling, swimming and strength training to prepare all of the disciplines of the ironman in addition to maintaining a continuous strength preparation that will help increase performance in all of the disciplines and will also help with injury prevention. In this program daily mobility and stretching exercises are included for all of the benefits that they have.
3.8 km swim 180 km bike ride 42.2 km run
Do you want a hybrid workout plan?
Other sport I'm interested in
Contact sports have always caught my attention, because humans have engaged in fights since ancient times and there has to be a reason behind it. My interest leans more towards boxing than any other conntact sport because I find it very technical and strategic and the movements are so smooth that it almost seems like there is a coreography. I have had the chance to practice boxing for a few weeks and it is definitely somethig I will come back to at some point.
For some reason, I have had many people around me these last few years that have practiced climbing at some point in their lifes and I decided to give it a try. I really think it is a great sport that requires a lot of technical skills and strength, and I find it really entertaining. Some times I like going to the bouldering gym and trying to climb some routes for fun and it really does work great as strength training.
Crossfit has become very popular these last few years, and after spending a few months practiccing it I can see why. There are plenty of different exercises so not a single dayis the same which makes it very entertaining. Including all the disciplines you cover stregth, endurance, cardio, and very technical exercises. in general it is a great sport to stay fit and feel great, as well as the great community that is being created around it.
This is a small recap of my favourite cars of all times, take a look at them
Coming soon...
Family is one of the other pillars of my life and here some of my highlghts with them